무슨 소스인지는 .. 기억이 안나고 그냥 바탕화면에 있길래 백업용으로 올려둠
위치 : pos (position을 줄인 단어입니다.)
회전 : rotation
크기 : scale
move 상대이동
mypot1 = teapot() --create a teapot
fn whendeleted = --define a callback function
local deletedobjects = callbacks.notificationParam()
format "Callback: %\n" deletedobjects
-- This will printevery object that was deleted.
-- By this point, the object isstillattached to it's parents
-- and is still in groups etc...
-- Nothing has been done to the nodeyet.
when mypot1 deleted id:#foo obj do --define a when construct
format "When Construct:%\n" obj
--unregisterany preDeletecallbacks
callbacks.removeScripts #selectedNodesPreDelete
--register the function as general callback
callbacks.addscript #selectedNodesPreDelete "whendeleted()"
a = "Global String"
b = "Local String"
format "a1 = %\n" a
format "b1 = %\n" b
format "a2 = %\n" a
format "b2 = %\n" b
format "%" "Happy\n"
print ("hello")
print "jinwoo"
format "%" "yellow\n"
format "helloooo\n"
array1 = #(1, 2)
array1[3] = 3
array1[5] = 4
format "%\n" array1
format "-------------------\n"
a = #(1, 13, 5, 10, 6, 2, 2)
b = a
format "b = %\n" b
append a 7
format "b = %\n" b
mybox = box()
showProperties mybox
format "-------------------\n"
myNum = 1
myStr = ""
fn format_fn inpData =
addStr = inpData + "입니다."
case myNum of
1: myStr = "1"
2: myStr = "2"
3: myStr = "3"
4: myStr = "4"
format "%\n" (format_fn myStr)